Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmastime is here

Which means I've been a little busier then usual (is that possible?). Within the past month I spent a week in Boston and a weekend in NYC. Both trips were fabulous! Now it's time to cram for Christmas gift making. That's right...back in September I thought it would be darling if I made most of my Christmas gifts. *panic setting in* As part of my gift giving, I'll likely be making sets of stationary/cards using my photographs. Usually I don't touch up or mess with my photos--what you see is what you get. This year I decided to have a little fun ;)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Creative Announcements

Friends asked me to take pictures for their "we're-expecting" announcement - really fun! Avid cyclist, I love how they incorporated their passion in this card:

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Beatnik is Recession Proof

Embrace your inner Beatnik. Gather friends, poetry books, mulled wine and explore the emotive world of the written word. (aka, embrace your inner geek)

My favorite poem from such a recent event, "The Cave Woman" by Colleen.

...Me pretend lady.

Man fall for it.

Me win.
To read the entire poem.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The One-for-One deal you can't pass up

The last time you visited the mall, did you feel fulfilled? I'm guessing not...especially after you looked at your bank balance. Enter TOM's Shoes. For every pair of shoes you purchase, TOM's gives a pair away to a child in need. Learn more about this incredible company's story. Now you can make a difference with one simple purchase:

I love my new TOM's. They're comfy, fashionable & best of all--they have a story worth telling.

(Photo's by Amanda, of her actual shoes)

From Blah to Beautiful...a shoe tale

What do you do with a boring 'ole pair of pumps? Play with super glue, feathers & faux jewels, of course!

(Photo's by Amanda, Oct 2009)

I need to find a better adhesive or invest in tools for this type of project (especially, if I'm going to brave wearing these out in the rain). Suggestions?

She's back!

This time using Qwest wireless modem. Hopefully, this works out better than Clearwire!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Designer Denim Sale

Calling all you fashionistas! I'll be heading over to the annual Warehouse Sale at the Seattle Exhibition Center (near McCaw Hall) October 31st. My sister and I went last year and found super-fabulous jeans! Check it out.

FYI--The dressing rooms are divided men/women, but they are just wide open spaces (as the song goes) behind a curtain.

It's been a week!

My Clearwire internet modem broke a week ago. *gasp* If it wasn't for iPhone, I don't know what I'd do. Okay, fine, I'd probably get more reading done. One of my technically proficient friends is taking a look at the modem to see if it's salvageable. Well, that's my excuse for being behind in my blog posts. It's a good one, eh? ;)

PS. Would I recommend Clearwire? Maybe. It's very portable and has worked ok for internet browsing. Online streaming can be a test of patience. I'm almost hoping I'll get to move on to something a bit speedier.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I get...

Mother Teresa
Doctors Without Borders
Martin Luther King, Jr
The Red Cross
Elie Wiesel
Nelson Mandela
Wangari Maathai
Shirin Ebadi
and a host of others.

Today I'm just confused.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

33.5 Inches

Enough said. I focused on finding classic (or quirky) children's' literature at the bi-annual Friends of the Seattle Public Library book sale. I went on Friday night for the member's only preview* and then again on Sunday morning.

*Membership cost $15 a year if you pay in advance. There is a 25 book limit during the member's only preview, but it's nice to get "first dibs" on the books you want.

For my fellow bibliophiles:

The sale takes place every April & September.

Most books are $1 each.
The sale includes a similar variety as you'd find at your local library (because these books come from your local library *sticking out tongue*).

The book sale takes place in a large warehouse with tables full of books & crowded with people. I recommend NOT taking your children, wearing comfortable shoes and bringing bags to carry around your new-found treasures.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rembering 9/11

"America has its faults as a society, as we have ours.

But I think of the Union of America born out of the defeat of slavery.

I think of its Constitution, with its inalienable rights granted to every citizen still a model for the world.

I think of a black man, born in poverty, who became chief of their armed forces and is now secretary of state Colin Powell and I wonder frankly whether such a thing could have happened here.

I think of the Statue of Liberty and how many refugees, migrants and the impoverished passed its light and felt that if not for them, for their children, a new world could indeed be theirs.

I think of a country where people who do well, don't have questions asked about their accent, their class, their beginnings but have admiration for what they have done and the success they've achieved.

I think of those New Yorkers I met, still in shock, but resolute; the fire fighters and police, mourning their comrades but still head held high.

--British Prime Minister Tony Blair

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Someday practice will make perfect...until then

The latest project - a rectangular, monogrammed tablecloth & 8 napkins for my brother & sister-in-law. I bought the fabric last year with them in mind :)

As if soccer wasn't fun enough....

Seattle vs. Toronto...and THE hairdo

(Photo's by Amanda, Aug 2009)

Fall is (nearly) here!

You know what I love the most about Fall? Boots, sweaters, warm beverages, cozy blankets & brisk walks. And hopefully these new boots I just ordered from Endless.

I'm on the lookout for another pair of boots (flats, leather, over the knee, in gray or tan) to complete my wardrobe. I love Fall ;)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

September - Prostate Cancer Awareness Month!

Better safe, than sorry.

Make prostate cancer something to talk about.

For more info.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

There's nothing like checking it off!

It's September 1st and I'm checking off another 2009 goal and arguably the biggest one:

"Pay off ALL debt, except a college loan (maybe the college loan too!)"

Wouldn't you know, I'm even paying off the college loan. All I can say -- God is good! A completely unexpected financial blessing made it possible to pay of all debt in one day. Thankfully, God's finances are not limited by human circumstances (we're in a recession, right?).

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Delicious birthday "gifts" (no food involved)

I'll be honest, I judge. It happens pretty often. Thanks to one of my lovely friends I have a better tool for judging & providing my critical assessment to the unsuspecting masses.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bags you'd sue for.....wait! What?

(photo by Amanda's iPhone - Lake Tahoe - August 2009)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Put your money where your mouth is

From the same people who brought you the film Call+Response, exposing the plight of 27 million individuals who are trafficked world-wide, comes Chain Store Reaction. This site provides a platform for consumers to notify large corporations that WE (as their customers) demand they take responsibility for their supply chain, workers and ensure that they are not assisting willingly or unwillingly in human trafficking. A form letter is already created and it's easy to add your information and submit a letter to over 400 brands. So take a few minutes and let your favorite companies know that you are part of the solution to human trafficking & they can be too!

Visit Chain Store Reaction today!

Click for Call+Response & ways you can get involved in the 21st century abolitionist

Monday, July 27, 2009

Beware your survey questions will find you out!

While searching for good survey questions to determine reading habits I came across a seemingly harmless survey for kids. All was going so well until I got to the last questions:

Is being able to read is important?

Well, is it? ;-) A special thanks to the International Reading Association & the National Council of Teachers of English for that Monday chuckle.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Seattle Street Fashion

Le 21eme Arrondissement - Any potential connection between Seattle and Paris is enough for me. This is the best Seattle street fashion blog I've seen so far. Odd fact: the hair stylist who's friends with my hair stylist is frequently featured (what a small world!).

More to come...unless Summer kidnaps me. Here to hoping! ;)

Family @ Father's Day

June 2009
(Ironically, dad is taking the picture)

Blogger why do you hate me so?

I fail to comprehend why Blogger allows me to write a blog post and then cuts it off on the right side. Umm...wraparound? Microsoft knows how to do that, why don't you? *breathe* Okay, rant completed. On to happier things!

July already?

How time flies! Here's a little catch up...

The Uniform Project is a fabulous idea - started by a fashionista who grew up in India. In her own words, "Here’s how it works: There are 7 identical dresses, one for each day of the week. Every day I will reinvent the dress with layers, accessories and all kinds of accouterments, the majority of which will be vintage, hand-made, or hand-me-down goodies. Think of it as wearing a daily uniform with enough creative license to make it look like I just crawled out of the Marquis de Sade's boudoir.

The Uniform Project is also a year-long fundraiser for the Akanksha Foundation, a grassroots movement that is revolutionizing education in India. At the end of the year, all contributions will go towards Akanksha's School Project to fund uniforms and other educational expenses for children living in India's slums."

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Delicious Sweet Potato Fries!

Have to pass along this simple recipe I've been using to make Oven Baked Sweet Potato Fries.  I'm a fan of anything that allows me to cover a cookie sheet in aluminum foil and bake it in the oven :)  Easy clean-up!  If you're a fan of Sweet Potato's or interested in becoming one, this is the recipe for you.  Thanks Sarah!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Shout Out: Emerald City Shoe Repair

I'm a terrible procrastinator when it comes to getting my shoes repaired.  I waited about a year too long to get my favorite pair of black boots fixed. The heels were worn down, there was no tread left and I was letting in water at the toes on rainy days.   I knew it wouldn't be a cheap fix and kept looking for a pair of replacement boots. No luck.   I've been pleased with the multiple pairs of heels I've had replaced at Emerald City Shoe Repair, so I trusted them with my boots.  

Dropped my boots off on Thursday morning and picked them up the following Tuesday.  $47 later and it's like having new boots again.  I'd highly recommend Emerald City Shoe Repair! 

306 Union St, Seattle WA 98101 (between 3rd Ave & 4th Ave on Union St)
206-215-4070 (no website or email that I can find)
Mon.-Fri. 9:30am - 6pm
Sat. 11am-5pm

Friday, May 1, 2009


Originally uploaded by regalruffian
A friend's bachelorette party - playing pool at The Garage.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to spot a bibliophile

(photo by Amanda of Amanda's books, April 2009)

Enough said.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Seattle Street Fashion - RTW Spring '09

(by Amanda on iPhone)

Photo taken on 5th Ave, between Virginia & Stewart in downtown Seattle. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday!

Chances are you've already seen this video, but 
it's Friday, I'm feeling a bit under the weather and appreciate a good laugh--soo....Encore!

Monday, April 13, 2009

What Gentlemen don't do

When: Easter Sunday (April 12, 2009)
Where: Bus stop, 1st & Cedar St (downtown Seattle)
What: Pick-up-line-drive-by

Him: "Nice legs!"
Me: "Thank you."
Him: "No...thank you!"

Thursday, April 9, 2009

What super power(s) do you have?

Thanks KD for the recommendation!  I've just added Superuseless Superpowers blog to my favorite's list.  Everyone needs a good laugh on Thursday (or any other day).  Enjoy! ;)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

To twit or not to twit, that is the question

I created a Twitter account months ago, mainly for work purposes.  I occasionally log into my account and wonder if today will be the day I decide to start twitting.  Then I wonder: exactly how much random information do I want to give the world?  Likely the egomaniac in me will eventually win (having determined the world would be a better place with my random musings & activities).   It makes me tired just thinking about adding another impersonal form of communication to my daily routine.  I also might want to re-think blogging when I'm so dang tired. ;)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

People watching in Seattle

Originally uploaded by regalruffian
Give us our coffee and the occasional sunny day & we forget the preceding 3 months of gray, dreary weather.

View more

Friday, March 27, 2009

Shout Out: Specialty's Bakery

A yummy cinnamon roll & two delicious bowls of soup later. Three separate events, three separate days (in case you were wondering).  A few weeks ago, I had a delicious cinnamon roll from Specialty's and decided to see what their lunch menu had to offer.  Homemade soup, made fresh everyday.  I'm hooked!  After their corn chowder and 3-bean salsa soups, I've decided it's worth recommending.  

Get this--you can also sign up for Specialty's CookieAlert(TM) Radar & Email Alerts.  I'm joking, right?  Check this out:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Spring book sale is (almost) here!!

It's one of my favorite semiannual Seattle events!  I've picked up hundreds of books (at $0.50-$1.00/each) over the last 3 years.  If you're a book-buying-addict like I am, this is the sale for you!!

copied & pasted from FSPL website:

The Friends of the Seattle Public Library hold two major book sales every year, in Spring and Fall. At each sale, over 200,000 books and other items are offered to the general public. Proceeds go to The Seattle Public Library.


Next sale: April 17 - 19, 2009


Location: Magnuson Park, Hangar in Building #30, 7400 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, 98115.

The park may be reached by Metro bus routes 30, 74, and 75. Free parking is available.



  • Friday, April 17: 6:30- 9:30 p.m. Member preview saleMembers may purchase up to 25 items. Memberships $15 in advance; $30 at the door.
  • Saturday, April 18: 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.
  • Sunday, April 19: 11 a.m.- 4 p.m.

Learn more.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Where to next?

It's been 105 days since I last used my passport.  Maybe it's the grey sky or the European fashion blogs I've been reading religiously, but I have the itch again.  And I've got it bad!  Mom (my faithful reader), don't worry--I'm not sick and my building isn't infected with fleas.  Promise!

When I return home from a traveling adventure, it takes maybe a week before I want to leave again.  It's not that I don't like home.  I love my bed, my shower, wardrobe options, family, friends, home church, street signs I can read, etc... (please note, this list in no particular order of priority or preference). There's something about exploring different countries, cultures, food and history that's quite engaging.  Traveling brings a similar feeling of being alive as getting on stage.  It's dynamic and exciting as you never know exactly what will happen next.  

Where to next?  Ireland, Spain, Morocco, Rwanda, Portugal, Czech Republic, Poland or Brazil?

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Happy Friday to all you singles out there!

Saw this ad on one of my favorite websites today (no, it's not a dating website).  It amused me ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Celebrating Harriet Tubman Day!

Harriet Tubman, Abolitionist

"I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other." 
~Harriet Tubman

"If I could have convinced more slaves that they were slaves, I could have freed thousands more."
~Harriet Tubman

Born into slavery in 1820, Harriet Tubman escaped and became actively involved in the Underground Railroad.  During the Civil War she worked as a nurse and spy for the Union.  

More info:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Seattle anymore...or are we?

Morning - Walking to work.  It's cold, but dry.  The clouds are ominous, but no need to pull out the umbrella.

Early Afternoon - Working, view from the 19th floor.  Blizzard!  What the heck?  Snow is furiously funneling around our building downtown.  

Late Afternoon - Still working, 2nd cup of coffee & afternoon snack finished.  Dry.  Cold, but sunshine amidst the clouds.

Heading into confused.  

Is it too much to ask that global warming show up in time for Spring? I'm freezing!  ;-)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lovely things, happy things

Favorite new (to me) CD: East Village Opera Company "East Village Opera Company"

Favorite souvenirs from Spain (thanks Mom & Dad!!):

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How time flies!

I'd say my 2009 goal of blogging more frequently has gone out the window....except, I've been busy fulfilling other 2009 goals.  Just need to catch up here!  The update:

Amanda's 2009 To Do's:
  • Find a way to make $$ with photography. --Created a Flickr Pro account & I'm uploading the past 2+ years of digital photos.  Might sign up for an amateur photography contest for The Fair. 
  • Hand-craft all Christmas 2009 gifts.
  • Start/maintain a regular work-out routine, keep a predetermined weight (not to be mentioned here). --Proud owner of a gym membership (as of today!). 
  • Go on a trip with my siblings, their spouses and our cousins. One trip, many relatives. --Attending family reunion this summer....other trips TBD.
  • Actively participate in a small group at church. --Check!  Co-leading a community volunteering small group, new member of the YP worship team, and helping out with the church cafe (small group of sorts).
  • Purge my belongings--give to goodwill, recycle (now that I have my handy sewing machine I can refashion the clothes that are too big), and get rid of "stuff" I have no use for. --Busy the past few days purging & re-organizing my closet.  Gave my TV to Goodwill a few weeks ago--haven't missed it :) 
  • Begin to sew and design clothing & household items. --Finish an (adorable!) apron, table runner and memo board. 
  • Commit to a missions trip in 2010. --Spain or Poland with dad, details TBD.
  • Host 5 parties at mi casa. 
  • Read 2+ books a month.  Maybe even write a few reviews?
  • Blog regularly (off to a good start). --An average of once a week has to count for something, right?
  • Save a predetermined amount for a house/condo down payment.
  • Pursue strategic friendships (no, I'm not talking about romantic relationships or networking)--the ability to grow and nurture friendships is something I need to work on.  
  • Pay off ALL debt, except a college loan (maybe the college loan too!).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Etiquette: Escalators

Frustrated with my morning escalator commute, I began to write a little post....then discovered this guy did a better job then I would have:

More etiquette tips to come.

Monday, February 16, 2009

What's in a name?

FirstCreated in the 17th century by the playwright Colley Cibber, who based it on Latin amanda meaning "lovable, worthy of love, she who must be loved".  Sanskrit: Active; bright.
MiddleFrom a Hebrew name which was derived from the Hebrew word ×¨ְעוּת (re'ut) meaning "friend".
Last German: occupational name for someone who made shovels or used one in his work, from an agent derivative of Middle High German schufel ‘shovel’.

At a coffee shop in Paris, the barista couldn't understand "Amanda" and the drink ended up being made for Amieta (pronounciation: aw-me EH-tah).  My English name is Amanda, my French is Amieta.  Silly :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Enough said.

"I place economy among the first and important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labors and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy."

~Thomas Jefferson

Europe 2008: Christmas Market in Nurenberg, Germany

Monday, February 9, 2009


"What the Shelfari are you reading?"

Thanks Lee ;)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Happy 98th!

Today is the 98th birthday of our 40th President, Ronald Reagan.  A few favorite quotes:

"Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.  It is a weapon our adversaries in today's world do not have."

"Coercion, after all, merely captures man.  Freedom captivates him."

"Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets."

"Government exists to protect us from each other.  Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves."

"It has been said that politics is the second oldest progression.  I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Flickr & I

When it comes to backing up my digital photography, I'm a bit neurotic and paranoid.  Storing images on my PC and external hard drive isn't nearly enough to help me sleep well at night.  While searching for a solution, I vaguely remembered the Flickr account I set up ages ago.  I had a free account that allowed me to upload 500MB per month, for free.  At 500MB a month, I'd be uploading images till my 65th birthday (assuming I don't take another from now till then).  

For $25 you can get an account with unlimited uploading and perks like being able to download your images online in the original format.  Overall, I really enjoy Flickr.  My biggest complaint is the semi-operational "Flickr Uploadr".  About 25% of the time, it boots me out of the system while I'm trying to upload images.  When I open it up again, I have to (manually) remove images so they aren't duplicated or start from scratch.  Yeah, annoying!  Hopefully, they'll keep improving the bulk uploading tools to make the process more user friendly.  So far, I'd give Flickr 7.5 out of 10.  

Visit me on Flickr.

Friday, January 30, 2009

An Open Letter to Mr. TMI

Tell me, in the wee hours of Friday morning (1:06am, to be precise) is it really necessary to stand 15 feet from my window and talk so loudly?  I can only assume you weren't aware that the 1920's building I live in is brick.  Thus the courtyard my apartment windows look out to, carries sound like the Grand Canyon.  I can only assume you were confused about which early morning it was, Saturday morning at 1:06 am would be forgivable.  

What truly puzzles me is your self-incriminating speech.  The weed consumption, nice.  The sexual escapades in graphic detail, now is that necessary?  Seriously.  If your mom wouldn't want to hear it, neither do I.  Especially, when I'm trying to go to sleep so that I can be alert and productive for that thing I do 5 days a week.  Work.  You should try it!  On a more positive note, it's great to hear that you get up at 6:45am to work out.  I hear that's good for you.  

In conclusion, I'd like to leave you with this pearl of wisdom:

"He who blesses his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, It will be counted a curse to him." ~ Prov. 27:14

Sleepy in Seattle

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Be your own stylist -

Just signed up for yesterday. You can upload your clothes, create looks and even get professional stylist advice (that part will cost you). Can't wait to get some of my picture up and start playing around :-) My profile is pretty empty now, but I'm hoping to spend some time working on it. See Amanda on ClosetCouture.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

(Photo by Amanda, Dec. 2008)

Monday, January 19, 2009

Words of Wisdom from Martin Luther King, Jr.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."

"Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."

"I submit to you that if a man hasn't discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live."

"Nothing in all the word is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."

Europe 2008: Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(Photo by Amanda, Dec. 2008)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Amanda's 2009 To Do's

Not the biggest fan of "making resolutions".  I'm a goal oriented gal.  I like tasks and the sense of accomplishment that comes when I've checked off every item on the "to do" list.  So, here it goes:

Amanda's 2009 To Do's:
  • Find a way to make $$ with photography.
  • Hand-craft all Christmas 2009 gifts.
  • Start/maintain a regular work-out routine, keep a predetermined weight (not to be mentioned here).
  • Go on a trip with my siblings, their spouses and our cousins. One trip, many relatives.
  • Actively participate in a small group at church.
  • Purge my belongings--give to goodwill, recycle (now that I have my handy sewing machine I can refashion the clothes that are too big), and get rid of "stuff" I have no use for.
  • Begin to sew and design clothing & household items.
  • Commit to a missions trip in 2010.
  • Host 5 parties at mi casa.
  • Read 2+ books a month.  Maybe even write a few reviews?
  • Blog regularly (off to a good start).
  • Save a predetermined amount for a house/condo down payment.
  • Pursue strategic friendships (no, I'm not talking about romantic relationships or networking)--the ability to grow and nurture friendships is something I need to work on.  
  • Pay off ALL debt, except a college loan (maybe the college loan too!).

Old hobbies revisited

Before I left for my European adventure in November, I bought my first sewing machine.  

Isn't she cute? ;-)  It's been 10+ years since my last sewing project, so I decided to start by making aprons.  Last weekend, I visited Jo-Ann's with a good friend to pick up all the necessary accessories.  Kids in a candy store.  Now my "dining room" is set up with my sewing machine, cutting mat, scissors, fabric, thread and the box full of buttons I've been saving for....well, anything.  I'm so excited to finish all the projects I have in mind!  This should serve as a fair warning to family & friends that hand-created gifts are likely to come in 2009.  

Now to find a sewing theme song.  Suggestions?

Surprised to see this on national news

Love him or hate him, President Bush has had more impact fighting HIV in Africa then any other president in US history.  To read more

Thursday, January 15, 2009


As an afterthought, I should clarify.  Now that sibling weddings are over, I decided to embrace the laziest part of myself.  The part that hates having hair anywhere near her face, neck, ears, etc... and who wants to sleep in till the last possible moment.  I love her :)  Inspired by Kate Moss' Coco Mademoiselle spread, I went for a shorter 'do.   A friend wanted to see pictures, so I had a little fun with Ella* and put together this collage.  

*Ella is my faithful travel companion and fellow adventurer.  She is also my camera.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Merry Christmas to Me!

Gotta love after-Christmas sales!  I decided to expand my entertainment collection with a few shows....

The Unit Season 1 & 2: I already like this show, but haven't seen the first two seasons in their entirety.
Seinfeld Season 1 & 2: I-haven't-really-liked-yet-but-I'll-try-one-last-time.
Prime Suspect Season 1: Always enjoy BBC crime shows & Helen Mirren.  Big fan of Wire in the Blood & Touching Evil.
Damages Season 1: A new FX show.  Last season iTunes offered a free download of the pilot episode and I really liked it.  

Europe 2008: Cologne, Germany

The first stop on our European adventure, Cologne, Germany. Turns out it's a little chillier then we had hoped (but we carried on all our luggage!!).  This picture was taken after we parked our car and started walking towards the main cathedral.

(Photo by Amanda, Dec. 2008)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I caved

Something inside of me is fundamentally opposed to paying for iPhone apps.  Perhaps it has something to do with working for a web based company that provides a FREE service to consumers :)  I might just be cheap.  Regardless of the actual reason (the anonymity is more exciting, so I won't be paying a therapist to figure this out), I caved.  

What could be worth throwing away my values?  Scrabble.  Boggart (a Boggle knockoff).  

Was it worth it?
  • Scrabble $4.99 (cough).  I love the Scrabble app!  I don't regret the $$ I coughed up for it.  It's easy to use and is uncannily similar to an actual Scrabble board.  You can stop and start in the middle of a game, play against the computer or connect with other friends who have the app (have yet to try this).   Best of all, I can improve my Scrabble game anywhere in the world so that I can compete with friends & family members (yeah, you!) who consistently beat me.  It seems competition is worth at least a $4.99 investment.
  • Boggart $1.99.  Boggle pulled it's app from the iPhone before I was able to try it out.  Boggart seems the closest imitation currently available.  The game is pretty simple to use.  My biggest complaint is the lack of a "back" key when I've misspelled a word and the lag time for the app to recognize a word I've entered.  If you're a crazy Boggle fanatic and you need to play on the go, then this is a viable option.  Otherwise, it's probably not worth the $1.99.