Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Rehearsal; obsessed with the dark

The lighting was dim in the church for the wedding rehearsal. These are a few photos I liked (realizing, I could be the only one) from the rehearsal.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Excuse the brief interruption

More on Europe to come. We pause for a brief station identification? The coffee hasn't kicked my "cleverness" into gear which is disappointing, but I hope we'll all survive somehow :)

Abby picked us up from the airport late Thursday night (Dec. 11th), I worked Friday and the bachelorette party was Saturday night/Sunday morning. Phew! So here's a few memories of the party (minus a few hilarious moments).

Monday, December 22, 2008

Time to catch up!

Much has happened since the last time I posted (surprise, surprise). November 27-December 11th I enjoyed two weeks in Europe on vacation with two of my close friends. Further details on our many (mis)adventures to follow. But first, the itinerary...

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