Wednesday, April 8, 2009

To twit or not to twit, that is the question

I created a Twitter account months ago, mainly for work purposes.  I occasionally log into my account and wonder if today will be the day I decide to start twitting.  Then I wonder: exactly how much random information do I want to give the world?  Likely the egomaniac in me will eventually win (having determined the world would be a better place with my random musings & activities).   It makes me tired just thinking about adding another impersonal form of communication to my daily routine.  I also might want to re-think blogging when I'm so dang tired. ;)


mom said...

I don't quite get the whole twittering thing. if it was random musings or thoughts that might be helpful or thought provoking, that would be good. But do I really need to know that someone just bought a cup of coffee? or is standing in line at the grocery store? TMI


jill said...

I know! I did the same thing! Within minutes of signing up, I started getting emails of messages from strangers.. I mean, facebook is already taking up too much time.. I promptly shut off the button that sends messages and haven't touched the account since. Perhaps I'm simply too old to twit.