Tuesday, April 8, 2008

This is a bizarre thing to post...or is it?

My senior year of college, I took a class focused on integrating faith into all aspects of life. What role does my faith play in my career? How do I interact with society in a meaningful way and maintain my beliefs? These were just some of the questions we had to ask ourselves that semester. Recently I was cleaning out my computer and I came across an interesting assignment. Writing our own epitaph as we want it to read. It's been nearly 6 years since I wrote my epitaph (that's weird to say) and I'm challenged to rethink how I'm living my life.

Amanda ********
Faith Integration
Dr. Hobson
October 17, 2002


We put to rest the remains of an individual whose strength, passion for living and learning, joyful spirit, and ability to see beyond the possible are an inspiration to us all. Amanda was constantly discovering the truth and beauty of being alive. Her closest friends admire her ability to make the most of every situation; learning something applicable to another part of life.

Amanda is highly respected for her professional skill as well as her ability to connect with individuals from all backgrounds. She was always open to learning any skill necessary to perform her job to the best of her abilities. This desire to learn and improve carried over into her ministry, family, and community involvement. Her attitude towards people is another remarkable aspect of this unique individual. She truly understood the command of Christ to love God and love people. In every situation involving people, Amanda displayed a genuine love, care, and concern for each person she came in contact with. It is this aspect of her character that sets her apart from the many others who have also been deemed successful in their career, family, church, and community. Her talent as an effective communicator sprang from this ability and desire to make a personal connection with individuals. The lasting legacy that she leaves behind is the influence that she has had on every person she’s touched with her unconditional love.


Anonymous said...

As your mom, I hope it's a LONG time before we use your epitaph! It is good, by the way. I enjoy looking at your blog.

Jennie said...

That is really beautiful and a great life to strive for! I don't think it's bizarre at all but an inspiration -- thanks!