Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Parlez vous francais?

I don't, but I'm learning :) A friend gave me the Rosetta Stone French Level 1 program for Christmas. What a perfect gift! I'm a beginner, but find the Rosetta Stone program uses a variety of learning techniques that are registering with my brain. Hopefully it sticks! My goal is to practice 1 hour a day (on weekdays) and find a few native French speakers who are gracious enough to hear me butcher their language.

Au revoir!


Tanya said...

Je ne parle pas Français. hihihi! Yay Amanda! I took french in college and did good 'cept that I failed my Nihonggo (Japanese) haha! I'm trying to learn Portuguese now for my future travels to Brazil!

You can do it girl! Oh and Pimsleur works pretty well too. :)

mom said...

what a great gift, i've debated rosetta stone to learn spanish but balk at the cost. if it works it's worth it, but not knowing... I'm proud of you putting the time into it. 2 years of high school french, it's a beautiful language and still messes with my attempts at spanish! have fun.