Thursday, October 1, 2009

33.5 Inches

Enough said. I focused on finding classic (or quirky) children's' literature at the bi-annual Friends of the Seattle Public Library book sale. I went on Friday night for the member's only preview* and then again on Sunday morning.

*Membership cost $15 a year if you pay in advance. There is a 25 book limit during the member's only preview, but it's nice to get "first dibs" on the books you want.

For my fellow bibliophiles:

The sale takes place every April & September.

Most books are $1 each.
The sale includes a similar variety as you'd find at your local library (because these books come from your local library *sticking out tongue*).

The book sale takes place in a large warehouse with tables full of books & crowded with people. I recommend NOT taking your children, wearing comfortable shoes and bringing bags to carry around your new-found treasures.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Hi Amanda,
Would you mind reminding me of this event so I can put it on my calendar and if I'm available attending it? Sounds like fun!