What could be worth throwing away my values? Scrabble. Boggart (a Boggle knockoff).
Was it worth it?
- Scrabble $4.99 (cough). I love the Scrabble app! I don't regret the $$ I coughed up for it. It's easy to use and is uncannily similar to an actual Scrabble board. You can stop and start in the middle of a game, play against the computer or connect with other friends who have the app (have yet to try this). Best of all, I can improve my Scrabble game anywhere in the world so that I can compete with friends & family members (yeah, you!) who consistently beat me. It seems competition is worth at least a $4.99 investment.
- Boggart $1.99. Boggle pulled it's app from the iPhone before I was able to try it out. Boggart seems the closest imitation currently available. The game is pretty simple to use. My biggest complaint is the lack of a "back" key when I've misspelled a word and the lag time for the app to recognize a word I've entered. If you're a crazy Boggle fanatic and you need to play on the go, then this is a viable option. Otherwise, it's probably not worth the $1.99.
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