Monday, August 23, 2010

A Midsummer Night's Eve

A Midsummer Night's Eve Party - August 21, 2010
(Markings by Lisa)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

After a two month sabbatical from blogging...

It's been a busy summer! That's my only excuse for not updating my blog in two *gasp* months. I spent a week in California at Gleanings for the Hungry as an adult leader with my old youth group. Then I took a weekend trip to Oregon to do engagement photos for a couple friends (yes, some of my favorite pics from that shoot will end up here eventually). And last weekend I spent in Victoria, BC with my little sister. Hopefully, additional updates will follow.

This week I'm busy working on a friend's 30th birthday party. The theme is "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Ooohh-la-la is right! ;) We're making decorative hair clips for the guests (in case they don't feel dreamy enough) and I got inspired to make a couple of clips for myself.