I spent Memorial Day weekend with a bunch (supposedly 200) of my fellow young professionals from church. Despite the fact that Seattle seemed warm & toasty in comparison to Portland, it was a great retreat. There are so many things I could include here in reflection (including humorous tales & antics, but those are better told with the appropriate hand motions, facial expressions & vocal inflections...there goes the OCD, rhyming on accident). Here are a couple of "things" I'm still chewing on:
- I am called to my job. Not just blessed to enjoy what I do and have a steady income, but purposed by God to be in the workplace that I'm in. This is an incredible responsibility as I realize how many people I'm in a place to effect. It's also freeing to remember that God's grace will cover me and His strength will make the impossible--possible. Take that 500 emails in the inbox!
- Our pastor made the statement that "the devil is only scared by the Word [of God] that's in you". I want the devil to be terrified by my saturation in the Word. This means I need to start memorizing Scripture again and posting note cards around my house :)
- God reminded me that my full obedience to Him requires exercising the gifts & talents He's given me. No surprises. I know exactly what I should be doing. God's not going to reveal the next step, until I've shown my obedience in these areas.